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Feminenza Kenya

Board Members
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Monique Weber
Chair of Feminenza Kenya
Esther Keino
Board member
Des O’Sullivan
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Agnes Mwamburi
Board Member Appointee

Feminenza Kenya

Registration Number C. 153691

In the process I was getting some inner healing. Because all the domains were reflecting who I am. The direction I am supposed to take. On the past things, on current things and how I should be to my family, to advise and help them, and give focus and direction. It is an inner healing to my life.”

Participant of Trauma Healing workshop in Kenya

Feminenza Kenya, formally incorporated on 24th April 2008 is based in Nairobi The mission: ‘to encourage every woman’s future, and work towards a better mutuality between the genders’. Our priorities are to support UNSCR 1624, UNSCR 1325, and MDG3 by (i) developing the contribution of women to fostering a culture of peace, ii) strengthening the role of women in leadership, (iii) combating violence against women and girls through gender education for both genders. Furthermore our work supports SDG5 (Gender Equality) and SDG16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

Feminenza Kenya has special consultative status with ECOSOC, (the Economic and Social Council of the UN), in the field of the Advancement of Women. The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) acknowledges Feminenza Kenya as a stakeholder for conflict resolution and peacebuilding work; our profile is in the NCIC databank. UN WOMEN, SIDA and Global Communities view Feminenza Kenya as a trusted partner.

Feminenza Kenya’s work commenced in 2005, initially with UNESCO PEER’s Culture of Peace Network, with whom we organized in 2006 a 4-day event entitled ‘Humanity and Gender’ at the UN compound in Nairobi, to which 300 NGO representatives from the Great Lakes Region attended.

In 2008 we led Transformative Leadership workshops in Mombasa serving 60 women from 18 Coastal Region CBOs.


Activities in Kenya

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5-day Trauma Healing workshop - Council of Elders

In 2017 the 5-day Trauma Healing workshop was delivered for 24 members of the Council of Elders and members of the Peace Committee from sub-counties of Nakuru: Nakuru Town East, Nakuru Town West, Molo, GilGil and Naivasha.  The intervention provided by Feminenza was part of a larger project led by the NCPBC entitled: ‘Enhancing relations and collaboration of the local actors for peace and security’ and was supported by Coffey’s the Jamii Thabiti Programme and the Nakuru County Peace Building Consortium (NCPBC). It allowed community leaders to go through a transformational process and come to a shared message about peace and forgiveness during the elections which had an impact on stepping down violence and conflict.

©2000-2024 Feminenza

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PO Box 1261, King’s Lynn, PE30 9GP United Kingdom

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Feminenza International is a charity, first registered with the UK Charity Commission, No.1170535 

with 8 sister charities in Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Kenya, Netherlands,New Zealand, United States of America, 

awarded Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2019


The UK address is: PO Box 1261, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 9GP, United Kingdom.

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