What We Do
Understanding & Managing Fear

Understanding & Managing Fear
Building strength, courage and confidence
“Fear is a natural human response to living. Some fears are necessary for survival, some we have to learn to live with, some we can leave behind but only when we find the courage, firmness and strength to do so.”
Fear is a natural human response to living. However, life can be frozen by simply not knowing how to manage fear. While some fears are necessary for our survival, there are many which we need to learn to live with or find the courage to discard.
Our fears are as complex as each one of us and the circumstances in which they arise. Seemingly simple events can trigger deeply rooted or long forgotten fears. Depression, anxiety, worry and stress can all stem from this ever-nearby shadow upon our existence.
“Fear is a crucial driving force, for the individuals or groups affected, both as a cause and a result of conflict. The evidence across the world shows that during conflict situations it is the women and children who suffer the most.” (Feminenza Report to UN WOMEN, 2011)
The good news, however, is that one can take charge of one’s life.
We offer a 2-day workshop. It provides the circumstance, knowledge and practical tools for you to pause, reset and come to terms with the fears holding you back. The tools can be used again and again to face fear and anxiety, to become increasingly intact and in charge.
Use of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) and other tools of evaluation have shown that the process has reduced the symptoms associated with fear and improved confidence and understanding in participants.
The Workshop
The Understanding and Managing Fear workshop is a 2-day experience. It provides women and men with the tools to:
Identify one’s fears
Bring fears to a standstill
Manage ongoing fears quietly and resolutely
To take greater charge of one’s life
Demonstrations are provided to enable one to grasp how fear forms, to understand why it suppresses the rational mind, and to learn how it leads to loss of control of one’s feelings and – very often – one’s subsequent actions.
The process is safe and reflective, usually conducted in large quiet garden, field or hall. There is no need to share any part of one’s life with the others participating in the process. Although it is a workshop, undertaken with others, the process is utterly private and it is effective.
There are three distinct stages:
The Field of Fears, a setting where participants identify and reflect upon the fears that have a hold over them.
The Domain of Courage, in where we privately engage the strengths, qualities and achievements of our lives.
In the third and final stage (a journey of resolve), the participants reflect again about the trace of their life and importantly, their future; a moment of resolve.
The Workshop has been delivered in varied situations of trauma, conflict, poverty, violence, oppression and disadvantage and has benefitted participants of all ages and genders from the Netherlands, Ireland, United Kingdom, North America, Kenya, Denmark and Israel.
What They’re Saying
I discovered that some of the fears I thought I had dealt with are still there, hidden away, there is a deeper level that I need to work on.
I felt useless before, now I feel of account…I now see that I have the strength in me to deal with fears.
I came to see I have many qualities and when looking at all these qualities, my fears seemed very small to me.