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الأحداث القادمة
- 02 فبراير 2025، 9:00 ص غرينتش+2 – 07 فبراير 2025، 5:00 م غرينتش+2Corinth, GreeceErasmus+ Professional Development Activity, PDA
- 01 فبراير 2025، 10:00 ص – 11:30 ص غرينتش-8Virtual WorkshopsSeries starting February 1st! Join us for a transformative exploration of psychology offering new understandings and tools.
- 08 ديسمبر 2024، 4:00 م – 6:00 م غرينتش+1Online WorkshopOur next workshop is about Enhancement, the 5th Pillar of Forgiveness and Resilience
- 09 نوفمبر 2024، 10:00 ص غرينتش-5 – 18 يناير 2025، 12:00 م غرينتش-5A series of 6 interactive online workshops“A part of me feels this way, but another part of me feels differently.” Sound familiar? How do you get to know yourself, the different parts of you, and become who you want to be?
- 26 مايو 2024، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-4EventbriteKnowing how to handle conflicts in a safe and humane way is vital towards Taking Charge of Your Life
- 26 مايو 2024، 12:00 ص – 11:50 مVirtual eventJoin the global network of friends and supporters who will run, walk or bike to help Feminenza make a greater impact in the world!
- 21 أبريل 2024، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-4EventbriteWe are now offering a series of brand new workshops under the overall title of “Taking Charge of Your Life”. These two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories.
- 17 مارس 2024، 3:30 م – 5:30 م غرينتشWebinarA Feminenza workshop for CSW68
- 17 مارس 2024، 11:00 ص – 1:00 م غرينتش-4WebinarWorkshop Series
- 16 مارس 2024، 3:30 م – 5:30 م غرينتشWebinarA Feminenza workshop for CSW68
- 18 فبراير 2024، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-5EventbriteWe are now offering a series of brand new workshops under the overall title of “Taking Charge of Your Life”. These two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories.
- تواريخ متعددة07 يناير 2024، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-5EventbriteThese two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories. You can register for one or for all the first 5 workshops.
- تواريخ متعددة17 ديسمبر 2023، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-5EventbriteThese two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories. You can register for one or for all the first 5 workshops.
- تواريخ متعددة26 نوفمبر 2023، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-5EventbriteThese two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories. You can register for one or for all the first 5 workshops.
- تواريخ متعددة12 نوفمبر 2023، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-5EventbriteThese two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories. You can register for one or for all the first 5 workshops.
- تواريخ متعددة22 أكتوبر 2023، 10:00 ص – 12:00 م غرينتش-4EventbriteThese two-hour interactive workshops are for young women, ages 18 to 35. In addition to rare content, they will include practical exercises, contemplations, demonstrations and stories. You can register for one or for all the first 5 workshops.
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