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Inside to Outside - A New Look at Psychology

السبت، 01 فبراير


Virtual Workshops

Series starting February 1st! Join us for a transformative exploration of psychology offering new understandings and tools.

Inside to Outside - A New Look at Psychology
Inside to Outside - A New Look at Psychology

الوقت والموقع

01 فبراير 2025، 10:00 ص – 11:30 ص

Virtual Workshops

نبذة عن الحدث

Psychology - What is it?

How does it work in us and around us?

What new doors can open in taking a new look?

Join us for a transformative exploration into Psychology offering new understandings and tools starting February 1st, 2025. The series continues on the following Saturdays: February 8, February 15, and February 22.

10 am PT USA (6 pm UK), 90-minute workshops $150 for the series

For registration, contact

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