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"A Resilient Life" face-to-face retreat

الأحد، 02 فبراير


Corinth, Greece

Erasmus+ Professional Development Activity, PDA

"A Resilient Life" face-to-face retreat
"A Resilient Life" face-to-face retreat

الوقت والموقع

02 فبراير 2025، 9:00 ص غرينتش+2 – 07 فبراير 2025، 5:00 م غرينتش+2

Corinth, Greece

نبذة عن الحدث

The face to face workshop in Greece serves participants of the 2024/4 ‘A Resilient Life’ to: improve the reflective skills, attitudes, values and qualities which develop and sustain resilience; to improve cognisance and response to the drivers of anxiety, fear, trauma, revenge, primary and secondary mental trauma; and in the developing intactness, let go of adverse past events, forgive and move on. The participating youth workers benefit from cross community engagement, cross border collaboration and connectedness, building forward from the lessons learned.

And not without games, humour, dance and song! A festive cultural night and a local outing are part of our schedule for the week.

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Feminenza International is a charity, first registered with the UK Charity Commission, No.1170535 

with 8 sister charities in Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Kenya, Netherlands,New Zealand, United States of America, 

awarded Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2019


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